Brackley Junior School - Values
Recognising its historic foundation as recorded in the school’s Trust deed, the school will preserve and develop its spiritual character in accordance with the principles and practice of the Church of England. This will include respecting other faiths and working in partnership with the Church in the parish of St. Peter with St. James Brackley and at diocesan level.
Pupils are helped to understand that the values promoted by the school are those described in the Gospel accounts of the life and teaching of Jesus Christ: the perfect example of a life well lived to the glory of God and the good of others.
Known in the community since 1871 as the ‘Feed My Lambs’ school, it has that Gospel story as its model for the pastoral care of its pupils.

'We are a Caring, Celebratory, Courageous, Christ-inspired, Community rooted in love.’
These Christian values are explicit in all that we do and are reflected in our aim to:
- Create and maintain a safe, secure, caring, supportive and stimulating environment, which is fully inclusive and non-discriminatory and where each child is valued and encouraged to reach their full potential.
- Encourage pupils to develop an awareness of moral values and an empathetic and positive attitude towards all members of the school and wider community.
- Provide a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum which: ensures continuity and progression; is accessible to all pupils; and appropriate to their individual needs; in accordance with the demands of National Curriculum and with emphasis on the importance of Maths and English.
- Be aware of the range of abilities and experiences of all pupils and meet their individual needs (including any special educational needs, disabilities, English as an Additional Language and special gifts and talents).
- Assess, record and track the progress of all individual children and use the information to guide their future progress, (involving pupils, teachers and parents in their further development); ensuring that each child is empowered to achieve key objectives.
- Provide opportunities for children to widen their communication, social and problem solving skills, in order to develop independence, grow strong in self-esteem and be encouraged to take responsibility for their own learning, behaviour and awareness of other people.
- Provide opportunities for children to explore and develop their personal talents and interests within the wider school curriculum.
- Provide for children’s religious and spiritual development, including appropriate time and opportunity for high quality Collective Worship and Religious Education.
- Ensure that all staff receives the support and training necessary to attain their full potential and to meet the development needs of the school.
- Encourage the development of partnerships and professional links between our school and: parents; governors; the church; nurseries; secondary and other local schools; all support services; and the wider global community.
- We use our hand to help the children remember the values that are important in our school.
- Our little finger reminds us that God cares and we CARE about everyone in our school from the smallest to the tallest.
- We care for everyone and everything in the world which God has created for us.
- Our ring finger reminds us that we CELEBRATE and give thanks for all God’s gifts. We are all special and have been given many gifts and talents.
- Our middle finger reminds us to have the COURAGE to stand up for what is right and what we believe in, not just to follow the crowd. To try to be the best we can and not to give up.
- We use our forefinger to point the way, just as Christ helps to guide us and show us the way in our lives. We can be CHRIST-INSPIRED and live our lives to reflect the qualities and spirit of Jesus Christ.
- Our thumb wraps around our fingers, just as our COMMUNITY does. We give fellowship and support each other in our community, which holds us together. (KOINONIA).
- Our palm holds everything together and
- Everything that happens in our school is based on LOVE.
- The love of God and our love for each other.
We have been known in the community since 1871 as ‘Feed My Lambs’ school and it is this Gospel story that we use as the model for the pastoral care of our children. We have extended the six Christian Values which are most important in our school to show how they incorporate many of the other Christian values which our school think are important:
- CARING - Caring for everyone and everything in the world which God created for us, not forgetting the smallest
Including - Compassion. Friendship.
Matthew 25.44 ‘When was it that we saw you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison, and did not take care of you?’
- CELEBRATORY – praise and thankfulness to God.
Including - Reverence. Thankfulness. Service.
Deuteronomy 16.15 ‘The Lord your God will bless you in all your produce and in all your undertakings, and you shall surely celebrate’
- COURAGEOUS – Standing up for what is right in the world, facing up to difficulty, being the best you can be and not giving up.
Including - Hope.
1 Chronicles 22.13 ‘Be strong and of good courage. Do not be afraid or dismayed’.
- CHRIST-INSPIRED – Living our lives to reflect the qualities and spirit of Jesus Christ
Including - Forgiveness. Humility.
Colossians 3:13 ‘Bear with one another and, if anyone has a complaint against another, forgive each other, just as Christ has forgiven you, so you must also forgive.’
- COMMUNITY (KOINONIA) – Fellowship and support of each other within our community
Including - Peace. Trust.
Deuteronomy 15.7 ‘If there is among you anyone in need, a member of your community…do not be hard hearted or tight fisted towards your needy neighbour’
Love holds all the others together
Colossians 3.14 ‘And to all these qualities add love, which binds all things together in perfect unity’
Matthew 22.39 ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind’ and ‘Love your neighbour as you love yourself’.